Below you can find highlights videos, images and more from the various Vision Wakefield events and gatherings!

Vision Wakefield Away Day

Sometimes we can get too caught up with ‘doing good’ and don’t take enough time out for rest, reflection and opening up to those around us who can support us.

This away day was a great opportunity to reflect, share our vulnerabilities and pray for one another. Of course we found time for discussing ideas too!

As well as being together, we enjoyed our surroundings and good food at the great location of the Blackley Centre in Elland.

Recap of the year and our 29th Workshop

What an exciting 18 months it has been here in Wakefield as the leaders have journeyed together and built a workshop culture. We have found that meeting together on a regular basis to brainstorm ideas and workshop has been key to engaging with the city as a united body.

It’s not all hard work though, we also enjoy the relationships that have grown out of having meals and sharing together.

Collective Prayer Walk in Wakefield

Here is the highlights video from our prayer walk on Thursday 1st July with Christians from many different churches in Wakefield! It was such an inspiring time together in prayer for the city and for one another, building momentum and paving the way for more prayer in Wakefield!

Cross Walk across cities in England

From the 2nd -29th July 2021 William will be travelling the 51 cities of England with a heart to bless each location with the sign of the Cross.

The purpose is to prayer-walk and make the sign of the cross in every city centre, connect with local christians and pray together for a fresh measure of God's grace, blessing and glory for people across England in this new season. On the 10th of July, Wakefield was blessed and prayed for by many christians.

For more information visit

Prayer breakfast at Wakefield Cathedral to watch the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast 2021

What a great morning at Wakefield Cathedral Kitchen watching the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast together. The guest speaker Rt Rev professor NT Wright addressed the theme “Life Beyond Covid: A Renewed Hope”.

It was so good to see everybody in person and to be with other Church and Civic leaders from in and around Wakefield. We discussed the topic together over a wonderful breakfast!

#nppb2021 #ARenewedHope

Ascension Day to Pentecost 2021

Many Christians across Wakefield took part in the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ 24/7 prayer in 2021, praying for Wakefield from ascension day to pentecost. For the past few years the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer initiative has taken place across the nation.

We had open air services at Sandal Castle on ascension day to open the 24/7 prayer and on pentecost to close it. We streamed ascension day live to Facebook (bottom left). Bottom right is a music video about seeking God’s Kingdom for our nation.


Below are some photos from our trip to Sandal Castle on ascension day where we prayed and worshipped Jesus together. Featuring the #reallove bear and Sally and Rupert on one of their last days in Wakefield before leaving after 26 years of serving here.


The Real Love Bear peeping out at what’s going on so early in the morning.

Kevin and Janet speaking to Rupert and Sally on one of their last days in Wakefield.


Naz and Charis with their new friend.

50 Day Challenge!

Following Easter we put out a challenge for people to send in video testimonies of answered prayers, Jesus’ love and of acts of kindness over the 50 days between Easter and Pentecost.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this challenge!

To see these inspiring videos, please click the button below.

Easter and Real Love

We produced this video for Easter 2021 which explores Easter and Real Love, including messages from people around Wakefield and some thoughts from Wakefield’s children!

Last Christmas

Many in Wakefield experienced a Christmas last year unlike any other.

In the middle of it though, hope still springs eternal.

One of the first astronauts said “The greatest thing that’s ever happened isn’t man walking on the moon but God walking on the earth”. That sums up the Christmas story giving rise to tremendous hope. Christ really is the reason for the Season. Jesus entered the world as a baby starting “The greatest story ever told”.

Below are some of the clips from the Christmas video. There is an amazing amount of goodness in the hearts of the people of Wakefield as you’ll see!