As leaders of different Churches in Wakefield, we are committed to living out the ‘New Commandment’ together, to love one another as He loved us. We recognise God’s love for every person and are actively meeting and working together to seek the welfare of the city, practically as well as prayerfully.
Bishop Tony Robinson Wakefield Cathedral
“Darkness may try to prevent the light from shining, but it never holds back the light enduringly. Ultimately the light will shine through. God as the creator of the universe is bigger than the Covid-19 health crisis.
All of this will pass. All trials do. But until then let us trust in God daily, inviting Jesus into our lives. Let us hand over our fears to him so that He can conquer them.”
Tel: 01924 434451
Pastor Ku
eCelebration Church
“At eCelebration Church we are an excited bunch! Through the Word of God’s Grace, we aspire to teach believers everywhere how to bring forth the Life of Christ from within and experience the benefits; and to preach the gospel of Salvation to the ends of the earth.”
You are welcome to contact us:
Tel: +(44)07838 288111
Eleanor Brennan
Ministerial Assistant, Wakefield Baptist Church
“Wakefield Baptist Church is a community of people from all over the world. We are a group of Christians who follow Christ together and our vision statement is “Helping people follow Jesus”. We warmly welcome you to visit our church and join us to worship and learn about Jesus.”
Wakefield Baptist Church, Belle Isle Ave, Wakefield WF1 5JY
Facebook: @wakefieldbaptistchurchUK
Reverend David Gerrard St Catherine’s and St Andrew’s Church
“I believe in a God who has not given up on this broken, hurting world, but has instead launched a giant resurrection, rescue plan and invites us all to be a part of it. That means I believe in Wakefield. I believe that God loves this place and has a vision for what it can, and by His grace, one day will look like. I invite you all to join in the journey of working to see the Kingdom of God come in Wakefield as it is in heaven.”
St Catherine’s, Doncaster Road, Belle Vue, Wakefield WF1 5HL
Facebook: @StCaths
St Andrew’s, Peterson Rd, Wakefield WF1 4DX
Facebook: @Standrewswakefield
Pastor Flora Davies Pastor of Iranian congregation at Wakefield Baptist Church
Volunteer at Wakefield District City of Sanctuary
“The coming of Christ is good news for us all. God is no longer distant and unreachable. May you know that Jesus is Immanuel - God with us.”
Wakefield Baptist Church, Belle Isle Ave, Wakefield WF1 5JY
Tel: 01924 382966
Facebook: @wakefieldbaptistchurchUK
Wakefield District City of Sanctuary website:
Reverend Rob Cotton Methodist Minister at Sandal, Crigglestone, Newmillerdam and Walton
“God is not far off, or remote, in Jesus he came into a real world to bring Hope and still comes into our messy lives to help us in bringing His peace and love to our hearts and minds.”
Pastor Daniel & Nkeiru Kamalu Strong Tower Christian Centre
“After a turbulent 18 months for many, we are glad that you have got through it and we believe that the good Lord will sustain you all the way.
As we rejoice that a gift was given to mankind, we pray that those whose hearts have been broken due to the outbreak of this pandemic will be healed in the name of Jesus who is the reason for the season.”
Strong Tower Christian Centre, 20 Portobello Road, Wakefield, WF2 7JJ
Tel: 07455 842 845
Pastor Kevin Foster & Janet Foster
New Life Christian Centre
“The bible says ‘The Word (Jesus) became flesh and blood and moved into our neighbourhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, like Father like Son. Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.’ This has been our experience of God-he loves us, has never left us, and we are so glad he has moved into our lives and our neighbourhood.
There are no, ‘no go’ areas for Jesus - he’s knocking at the door of your heart today! Why not let him in? You’ll find that He is still generous inside and out and true from start to finish.”
Facebook: @NLCCWakefield
Alistair Crompton
Head of Community Engagement, Five Towns Christian Fellowship
“Jesus came to bring life and life in ALL its fulness.
We believe that is true not only for ourselves but for everyone, that you can know that you are loved, that you have a purpose, you can have a certain hope and a future.
If you’d like to know more about living life to the full, to know more about Jesus and the difference he can make to your life then we’d love you to get in touch.”
Tony Hodges
Founder, City Vision
“Does God love Wakefield?
Does He love you? Can you know Him? Did He come as a baby? And what has this to do with Wakefield, with you, with Covid?
Well, God answers with a resounding “yes!” and “everything!”
But why?
Because God knows that our spirits need lifting. Covid came, dashing hopes. But with God, hope never dies. It rises again. Despite Covid, we want Wakefield to know hope, not a normal hope but the supernatural type found only in a relationship with the resurrected Jesus.
If you’ve never prayed before, why not, alone and where you are, lift your voice and say “Lord, come and be God with us, God with me”.
Rupert & Sally Martin
A farewell video for Rupert and Sally Martin who served for 26 years at St Helen’s Church, Wakefield and have such a huge heart for the people of Wakefield. Both will both be truly missed, we have shared some great memories and we bless them in their next chapter in Bristol.
“We pray that each person in this city will be shown the kindness of angels and be able to say “that was an answer to prayer” through the love and service of the people of Wakefield.”